Тишинуша Гамимеря (spamsink) wrote,
Тишинуша Гамимеря

Terrorists vs disgruntled employees

Remember several stories a few years ago when a disgruntled employee came to his (former) office and shot several of his (former) co-workers or arbitrary employees of the company (before killing himself)?

Suppose this way of dealing with frustration became fashionable and a loosely-knit "organization" calling itself "ALliance of Killers: Annoyed Employees who are Disgruntled Absolutely" had been formed, employing every possible means of communication, so that every time a disgruntled employee commits an act of mass murder-suicide, the organization claims responsibility. No one feels secure anymore even at their office workplaces; there is no way to identify an ALK:AEDA member. What is the society to do to prevent panic?

And how would that situation be different from the current one?
Tags: rhetorics

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